This freebie version is chock full of features and that may be its greatest fault. Visually, it goes the whole 9 yards with a good-looking, breathing CG guy to breathe along with you. A slder allows you to see into, or become his breathing lungs. The choice of typeface is very nice, and the customation of music style and in-between chime as well as breathing sequences and a running log is Nirvanna. What I find fault with is a lack of a tutorial for the application, but mostly for the principals and benefits of Yogic breathing. As it is set up, the pace is way too quick for relaxing or for a beginner with no background in breathing from the diaphram instead of upper chest inhalation. Chinese Toaist breathing is based on Yoga breathing, but call for putting your tongue to the roof of your mouth and claim that improper breathing will hurt more than help you. If you do Martial Arts, gone through a Lamase classes for giving birth, sing, or explored meditation, you already know about breathing from the navel. Instead of watching a muscular guy (or attractive supermodel in my case) a breathing infant who by nature breathes from the navel, close your eyes or look softly into the distance. Keep the volume low and follow with your ears. Start out with a slower pace than the default setting. Use slow, short inhales and slower, longer exhales, concentrate on the gap in between the "in" and the "out". It is not quantity–how many, but quality. Its the length of those gaps that we must be focused on. Think US Navy S.E.A.L.s—2 minutes underwater without an air bubble coming to the surface. This is breath and mind control. Relax. Float. Good application? Yes...but a even better invitation into Yogic breathing. Like "negative space" in art, breathing is in the lenght of the gap. Its in the "fringe"!